Speak Out: Silent Majority

Posted by Sunny Day on Fri, Jun 26, 2020, at 8:03 AM:

For the writer that says there is no silent majority...I think someone will be eating their words in November. I even think that some democrats will be voting for Trump because even some of them realize Joe Biden is in no shape to run this country.

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    Sunny Day: The DNC will handpick Biden's VP candidate because they know that Joe will be replaced the day after being sworn in by invoking the 25th Amendment....the DNC just needs those votes from the protesters, looters, rioters, illegals, MS-13, BLM, ANTIFA, and the unemployables to take over the White House and the Senate....then the Dems will turn the USA into a Socialist country which has been their agenda since Obama was first elected. The only thing that is in the way of the Dems to do this is the Silent Majority and the re-election of President Trump on 11/3/20.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jun 26, 2020, at 9:18 AM

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