Speak Out: Now this is a dangerous kid

Posted by We Regret To Inform U on Thu, Mar 14, 2013, at 5:16 PM:

Replies (6)

  • BTW she is from around Jeff City.

    -- Posted by We Regret To Inform U on Thu, Mar 14, 2013, at 5:17 PM
  • Regret, What was the second gun?

    -- Posted by Old John on Thu, Mar 14, 2013, at 5:30 PM
  • Wow!!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Mar 14, 2013, at 7:43 PM
  • I liked some of the comments on the video - great video.

    One of the comments was "Let this kid carry in school". I wouldn't want to confront her with a gun!

    -- Posted by not_sorry on Thu, Mar 14, 2013, at 7:53 PM
  • Indeed, she IS fast, smooth, and accurate-enough---kudos for that!

    But those silhouettes aren't armed and firing/slashing back. Pause that long in the open in a "hot" situation, and you'll have no-need for the point-blank cardboard box shots---you won't be standing.

    Wonder how much of the "pizza-box" she hit, during that first-initial flurry of auto-fire? Other than pumping her adrenaline, that is?

    But at least she IS following "Bite-Me"-Bidens' advice:

    "Get a shotgun!"

    Sure I'm jealous. I wish I could SEE that good anymore with an-open sight, let alone get my-joints limber enough to move at half that speed!☺

    But once upon a time, buddy: I was the "bees'-knees", when I was slingin' a "pig"....☺

    -- Posted by donknome-2 on Thu, Mar 14, 2013, at 9:13 PM
  • Well, I gotta apologize---I was lookin' at it from a SURVIVAL-instruction, instead of what it REALLY-is: A SPORT-shooting competition. And I DO like that little "short-legged" shotgun she's got, although I still prefer a pump, even though it'd be a bit too-much, for her physical-ability, in this case.

    And I'm STILL-jealous, because when I was her age? I only got to use ONE OF EITHER a .22-rifle---or a Sears/Roebuck single 12 with a 36-inch barrel. (Might as well have been a .40mm A.A.-gun, from MY-p.o.v.!☺)

    And the only-fella who had PISTOLS at the time was the late-Lee Faulks' "Phantom", in the Sunday comics.

    And I wasn't about to start wearin' purple-leotards, either.....!

    -- Posted by donknome-2 on Fri, Mar 15, 2013, at 7:33 PM

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