
Great ShakeOut offers reminder alert preparedness

At 10:16 a.m. today local time many organizations will participate in drills as part of the Great ShakeOut, a national effort to make people aware of earthquake preparedness.

Missouri and Illinois are among the states listed at highest risk for a damaging earthquake, according to a Wednesday story by reporter Samantha Rinehart in the Southeast Missourian. More than 40 states are at risk, but the Federal Emergency Management Agency reported fewer than 1 in 3 adults engaged in an earthquake drill within the last year.

Should an earthquake occur, individuals should remember to "drop, take cover and hold on" and consider surroundings at work and home, according to Mark Hasheider, Cape Girardeau Fire Department assistant chief and emergency management coordinator.

"We would encourage people to, at the very least, Thursday morning, to look around and try to go through the steps they would go through if there was an earthquake: Hide under their desk, see what things would not be secure in the area that could cause them a problem," Hasheider said.

We encourage you to take this opportunity to consider a plan in the event of an earthquake.
