The Irony Of It All
Brad Hollerbach

Anti-Casino Petition Possibly A Moot Point

Posted Wednesday, July 14, 2010, at 12:00 AM


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  • Brad - I don't think most of the readers will understand this article since they won't know what a "moot" point is. For the past several years I don't think I have hear anybody in this area call it anything but a "mute" point, including local tv anchors, politicians, and a professor from SEMO. Thanks for contributing to better lanuguage understanding. Now if you could just write article on being "vulnerable", since even the local news people think it is "vunnerable." Anyway, I think I will now go think of another ideal while eating my sherbert sitting on my living room suit.

    -- Posted by ParkerDaws on Wed, Jul 14, 2010, at 6:44 AM
  • Parker, I think you mean setting on your living room suit, but sense you don't know no better, I'll let that one go two. Their not going to know the differnce anyways.

    (Wow, that was hard to type even jokingly!)

    -- Posted by MusicMaker on Wed, Jul 14, 2010, at 9:10 AM
  • Hey Brad,

    While this vote would illustrate democracy, the US isn't one.

    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the democracy for which it stands...

    See what I mean? If still in doubt, blow the dust off it and consult the constitution.

    ParkerDaws...it's sherbet, so maybe you were just joking.

    -- Posted by Maynard on Wed, Jul 14, 2010, at 3:26 PM
  • Ugh! More smoke.

    -- Posted by IonU on Thu, Jul 15, 2010, at 7:54 AM
  • Hot Dang! Some suckers just can't wait to get to those Blackjack tables!

    -- Posted by voyager on Thu, Jul 15, 2010, at 8:11 AM
  • Apologies to all for not responding sooner, but I was out of town yesterday visiting Blytheville,AR and Dyersburg,TN and then didn't crack open my computer last night.

    Parker, I feel that if you're not aware of what a word means, you should look it up. I don't think "moot" is a particularly uncommon word and if Rick Springfield can use it in the song Jessie's Girl, then I thought what the heck, I will use it here.

    The thought did occur to me that Moot Point would be a fantastic name for a subdivision. I, for one, would live there.

    Me'Lange, I hope the law is not overturned, but I don't know the strength of the convictions of the people signing the petitions. November -- unlike April -- tends to attract more voters and we have some other big elections on the ballot this year.

    As I've said previously, I don't feel a casino is a silver-bullet to the downtown local economy, but its presence could be leveraged to improve our infrastructure. I actually have another blog tomorrow that proposes a solution to what will be the most vexing part of any downtown casino development: traffic.

    Maynard, according to the Democracy Index on Wikipedia, the US is a "flawed" democracy, but still a democracy. Canada is more of a democracy than us, but Mexico is less.

    IonU, yes there would probably be more smoke especially since smoking on casinos in Illinois is against the law. And by the way, I did pick up some Yuengling at the Kroger in Dyersburg as I was headed out of town.

    Actually Voyager, while the house has the odds on most casino games, according to about.com the best chances to win are at blackjack, craps, casino poker, video poker, pai gow banker (never heard of that one) or my personally favorite, baccarat.

    Thanks for reading.

    -- Posted by Brad_Hollerbach on Thu, Jul 15, 2010, at 9:12 AM