The Irony Of It All
Brad Hollerbach

How To Use The Passing Lane

Posted Tuesday, August 17, 2010, at 12:00 AM


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  • Maybe they thought it be God's will to try and stop other people from going over the speed limit.

    Actually I think it's technically okay to drive in the left lane and pass on the right. But while technically okay, it's really, really stupid not to follow the passing lane logic.

    -- Posted by almighty on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 7:31 AM
  • That is why I drive my large SUV, it can be very intimidating when I have the ability to drive one foot from your bumper. (I wouldn't do that to the beer man however.) I actually got a ticket for that once, the MO highway patrolman called it "tailgating"! LMAO

    -- Posted by Skeptic1 on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 8:44 AM
  • Down here in Tennessee, I was driving in the right lane and at the legal speed limit on I-40. Would you believe a car with a Missouri plate roared past me on the shoulder. Down here in Tennessee we call that the Suicide Lane. What do they call it in Missouri?

    -- Posted by voyager on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 10:17 AM
  • If they roared by on the shoulder, they were just being stupid. Presumably, someone was also in the left lane leaving the fellow no other option except for patience, of course.

    Only time I've ever seen someone dumb enough to do that stunt was during a rush-hour traffic jam in St. Louis where someone was trying to make it an exit ramp.

    Thanks for reading.

    -- Posted by Brad_Hollerbach on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 10:31 AM
  • What do they call it in Missouri?

    The quickest way out of Tennessee.

    -- Posted by gomer on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 10:46 AM
  • brad, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Out-of-town or not, there are signs along Kingshighway/Jackson Blvd. to remind motorists.

    adidas, I bet you get brake checked alot. ☺

    -- Posted by Turnip on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 2:06 PM
  • Remember, if it is night time, the bigger and closer your suv with airplane landing lights higher than my deck lid... the slower I go.

    -- Posted by Old John on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 6:46 PM
  • Actually no Turnip, although I have rear-ended people twice. hee hee.

    -- Posted by Skeptic1 on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 7:18 PM
  • John, is that some fancy-schmancy way of saying 'trunk'?? ☺

    -- Posted by Turnip on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 9:41 PM
  • Actually I think it's technically okay to drive in the left lane and pass on the right. But while technically okay, it's really, really stupid not to follow the passing lane logic.

    -- Posted by almighty on Tue, Aug 17, 2010, at 7:31 AM

    It is illegal to pass on the right side.

    I have passed them in the turn lane between WalMart and I-55 in Jackson. When I have time I get in front and slow them down to about 30MPH so everyone can pass. Then I flip them the bird and scoot.

    -- Posted by We Regret To Inform U on Wed, Aug 18, 2010, at 7:25 PM
  • BTW I don't tailgate. The wreck will be your fault if they hit their brakes (note Rick's post).

    -- Posted by We Regret To Inform U on Wed, Aug 18, 2010, at 7:30 PM