The Irony Of It All
Brad Hollerbach

Trying To Save A Tree From City “Improvements”

Posted Monday, April 30, 2018, at 8:00 AM


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    Citizens need to flock to City Hall and Beat on the Doors and demand that TOP City Hall Employees GO Scott Myers is the start of my list. Question is they want the Trees out of the parkway so wider sidewalks can be made. Where is the Phone and Electric Poles going to go? The City wants to keep it up I say We The People need to give the City either they have the State Auditor come in and Run an Audit on every bank account when was the last time the money was put out to bid on for the banks to have? Where all the Sales taxes are going to pay for what. Or We come together and get the Voter names to sign to force a state Audit and Make them go to explain how all the sales taxes are spent. And How Storm Water sales taxes can be spent on Capaha park for stadium updates. This I have popcorn for. And Yes The Treasure of Cape Girardeau you need to leave as well. And Community have you seen what Top City Cape Girardeau Missouri Managers you are called out and People need to View the no compassion for Blue Callar City Works. And the will of NO WildLife NO Trees is on the Advance.

    -- Posted by Howard S Howes on Tue, May 1, 2018, at 4:18 PM
  • Well stated Brad

    -- Posted by greg talbut on Tue, May 1, 2018, at 9:09 PM