CommunitySeptember 14, 2024
Crepe Myrtle Under Siege: Powdery Mildew Threatens Jean Whitaker Park's Blooms. Learn effective control methods from local artist and outdoorsman Horrell.
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Aaron Horrell
Aaron Horrell

I took this photo the evening of Thursday, Sept. 5, at Jean Whitaker Park in Chaffee. These flowers are of an ornamental plant called crepe myrtle. It looks as if someone dusted parts of the flowers with a white powder.

This crepe myrtle is being attacked by a fungus called powdery mildew. This fungus usually starts during wet weather and, although we are currently in a monthlong drought situation, the powdery mildew persists on this and nearby plants.

Powdery mildew can be hard to control. But there are ways. A light spraying of fungicide when the mildew first appears could be sufficient. Thinning the plant’s limbs to encourage air circulation is recommended. Baking soda spray can be used. Also a concoction of neem oil extract and liquid soap might be used.

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Diseases in crepe myrtle are best controlled when the plant is maintained as a bush.

Horrell is an artist and outdoorsman. He lives in Chaffee. He owns Painted Wren Art Gallery in Cape Girardeau.

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