Notice from Publisher to Speak Out Commenters: Speak Out 4-3-24

Posted by Diseased⏒Turtle on Wed, Apr 3, 2024, at 8:13 AM:

🔸Easter message..I would ask everyone to read Joe Biden’s Easter Day message and then Donald Trump’s message. After reading them both decide which person is normal and which one is mentally deranged.

🔸Cardinals baseball..The St. Cardinals are quickly finding out how far they have fallen. It’s only a few games, but against one of the best teams, they can’t even be competitive. Oli Marmol can’t put a lineup on the field that can hit elite pitching. This is what the owners wanted. Mozeliak gave them what they wanted — an average team at best with an outside chance to win their weak division. It’s basically the same team as last year, a last-place team.

🔸Unfit for office..We have two geriatric candidates for president. One, Biden, has senior moments; the other, Trump, is showing signs of significant cognitive decline and dementia-related aphasia, the inability to recall common words. Trump’s words are often slurred and mangled. His comments are not coherent, he babbles and trails off. I am writing this out of frustration that both candidates are too old, yet one is truly "mentally unfit" to hold office.

🔸Davis story..Sports reporter Tom Davis specified in a recent article “eight position players (not counting the pitcher)”, but anyone who knows anything about baseball (and softball) knows that the position players include all positions except the pitcher. Recognize your audience, rid your articles of fluff and repetition, etc., and just do a better job!

🔸Step up, parents..A recent Speak Out contributor urged parents to search their teenage offspring’s room to look for guns and warned about the deaths of teens due to gun violence. This contributor missed the mark. The problem of violence with teens can’t be solved by parents searching bedrooms! Instead, it can be solved by parents providing a solid, moral base and being involved parents from the day their child is born. Young women need to stop having kids with young men who have multiple children, none of whom they help raise. Young couples need to marry and provide stability and good moral leadership from the moment their child is born. They need to put down electronics, stop running around as if they are still single, and be involved parents. Waiting until the kids are teens to search their rooms is ridiculous and far too late. Guns are not the problem in this country. Lack of good moral leadership is.

🔸Trump trials..It’s ridiculous to say Trump is being persecuted and the victim of a two-tiered justice system. The evidence against him is factual and backed up by eyewitness testimony, recovered documents plus audio and video recordings. Trump loves to play the victim but it’s hard to believe that coming from someone who has flaunted the law and the truth his entire life. Whatever comes of his trials and whatever jail time he gets will be his own doing.

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