Notice from Publisher to Speak Out Commenters: Speak Out 4-22-24

Posted by Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2024, at 1:27 PM:

🔸Cardinals baseball...The St. Louis Cardinals are off to a better start than where they ended in 2023. They are still in last place, but the offense hasn’t played to their potential. The pitching looks better and injuries have put pressure on them. They need offense and Victor Scott isn’t showing he can hit Major League pitching yet. His defense is superb, and his speed is exciting. I hope management won’t ruin his confidence as they have other players.

🔸Biden blames Trump...When Biden gets us in World War III, is his excuse going to be Trump caused it? That seems to be his go-to answer!

🔸Mayorkas impeachment...The Republicans sent articles of impeachment to the Senate for Sec. Mayorkas, which were immediately dismissed. It seems their articles lacked two essential components: high crimes and misdemeanors. The Republicans are still doing Trump’s bidding to attack any and all Democrats to make up for the fact he was twice-impeached.

🔸Missouri Legislature...The Republican-controlled Missouri Legislature has been in session since January and mid-April is the first time they managed to send a bill to Parson? And it is to spend $2 million-plus on sending our state troopers and our national guardsmen to watch a mile-long stretch of Texas river? I think we are less safe not having those resources to serve actual Missourians in our state! But go MAGA.

🔸Cape’s Indy 500...I live on Minnesota and William Street in Cape and wonder why the police don’t sit on the side streets and wait for the cars going by that are speeding. From the stop light by KFC to the light at West End, It’s like the Indy 500 any time of day. It’s incredibly dangerous and positively annoying.

🔸Smith and USPS...Jason Smith keeps saying he can’t do anything about USPS. Yet his committee oversees the IRS, Social Security, and Medicare, which use USPS for official business. And now we hear Congress is going to look into the USPS! I’m sure he will be standing behind someone on the platform!

🔸Trump and history...And once again, Donald Trump has claimed he would have prevented a world crisis. Now he’s saying that Iran would not have attacked Israel if he had been president. Add that to his claim that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if he were president and you’ve got the makings of a narcissistic moron who simply doesn’t understand history, diplomacy or anything else for that matter.

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