OpinionAugust 3, 2024
Reader criticizes newspaper's election edition for unequal coverage of candidates, praising the detailed Republican profiles but lamenting the lack of information on Democratic contenders. Suggests equal format for fairness.

I am writing to both praise and criticize your election edition of the newspaper. I thought your format for Republican candidates did a nice job of outlining the candidates' positions, which is helpful for voters.

However, I am disappointed you did not extend the same breadth to the Democratic candidates. Whether intended or not, the skimpiness of the information on their candidates seemed almost to be a nod to the Republican candidates, since the Democratic candidates must not be much, with so little information. Certainly, voters picking a Democratic ballot would appreciate the same format to learn about their candidates.

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In the future, I suggest that you use the same format for both parties to provide needed information for voters.

MICHAEL H. MAGUIRE, Cape Girardeau

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