OpinionSeptember 24, 2024
Trump's Deportation Plan Could Spike Grocery Prices; SEMO Football Triumphs; Propaganda in Theaters; GOP's Future at Crossroads; Farewell to the Vargas Family; Skepticism Over Amendment 2; Is It Time for the 25th Amendment?

Migrant workers

Trump claims he will lower grocery prices while at the same time vowing to deport 10 million illegal and legal immigrants. This is as stupid as his claim that tariffs won’t raise consumer prices. If 10 million immigrants are deported fruit and vegetable prices will skyrocket and grocery bills will become astronomically high. Does he even know who picks the vast majority of crops in America? I guess not!

Big Win

Congratulations to the Redhawsk for bringing the Wheel back to Cape Girardeau. That was a big win for SEMO football! Go Coach Tuke!

Perceived propaganda

The movie theater is making a choice when it promotes debunked propaganda fiction by the same guy who spread the 2000 Mules lies. Don't call it a "documentary." Our Democracy deserves better than this.


Republicans have a choice to make about the future of the party. Do they continue on the path of supporting extremism as they are with Trump or do the rein in the MAGA faction and go back to their roots. If they continue with Trump the outcome is clear: total loss of the presidency, House and Senate.

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Vargas family

We will miss the Vargas family in Cape Girardeau. Seeing them both cheer on the Redhawks is awesome. We’ve never a president and first lady so devoted to sports.

Funding education?

Amendment 2, sports betting, is supposed to fund schools with its proceeds. But will it? The state lottery was supposed to be a fix for schools. It was not. Amendment 2 looks to be another scam to get your hard earned money. If every state is going to make sports betting legal it is time to elect Pete Rose and Joe Jackson to the MLB Hall of Fame. Or are we all a bunch of hypocrites?

25th amendment

It is time to invoke the 25th amendment. For the first time in 11 months, the Biden administration held a cabinet meeting and President Joe Biden did not run the public portion of it. Dr. Jill Biden did. If Trump had done this and Melania ran the meeting it would have been the first story on every news network and front page of every newspaper.


Trump has said he won’t run for president again if he loses. Can we write up a legal document for him to sign to make that decision binding?

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