OpinionAugust 17, 2024
Thankful for Southeast Missourian's election coverage; questioning Lexington detour; Trump and poll inconsistencies; gun safety concerns post-school shooting; MAGA's future without Trump; call for term limits in Congress.

Great election coverage

I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank the Southeast Missourian for their election coverage. Nice section in the July 30 edition covering candidates. It is helpful to read meaningful questions and answers with the candidates. All those texts and mailers we've been receiving from candidates haven't been very informative.

Lexington detour

Who had the bright idea to close Lexington off of Hwy 177? That is rather inconvenient for the people already de-touring due to bridge renewal at the bottom of Snake Hill.

Polls and Trump

When the polls have Trump leading his opponents the polls are good. When the same polls show him losing they’re rigged and a fraud. Those of you with 2-year-olds would understand that behavior better than anyone.

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Gun problem

The politicians claim more guns are making us so much safer. That was the excuse for them taking their political money from the NRA and gun manufacturers. After the shooting of our local high school graduation, we are spending all kinds of money on trying to make it safer at our schools as it is just a matter of time before something will happen again. All costing us more. If there was fewer guns, there would be less chance of that ever happening again.

MAGA w/o Trump

MAGA needs to put aside their Project 2025 and start planning what their future will look like without Donald Trump. Not only is he losing in the polls, but there’s a decent chance he’ll be stuck in the Mar-a-Lago Correctional Center for a long time.

Term limits

Biden, Harris and all the other Democrats want term limits for Supreme Court Justices. How about all the members of congress that have got elected and bedded down for a lifetime of non-service, Democrats and Republicans alike. Term limits for all, and when you get out, no government pension. Get a job just like everyone else, or if you are old enough Social Security to see how the common people live. Maybe then you will work for the good of the country and not for self-advancement!

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