Letter to the Editor

Big whoop-de-do over strip club

To the editor:

The Speak Out comments against the strip club opening in East Cape Girardeau are ridiculous and old. I hate to tell everyone four things they have overlooked. 1. East Cape Girardeau is in Illinois, not the Bible-strangling burg of Cape Girardeau. 2. Cape Girardeau has had within its city limits a strip bar. Tsk. Tsk. This type of place in our humble community? 3. There is already a strip club four miles across the river that regularly advertises in our paper and on radio stations in our town. 4. The Great Purple Crackle from the 1950s is gone and will never be back.

Face reality. It's a building, not a concept, memory or place in current time. It has burned, closed, opened, burned again and reopened. People have been shot, assaulted and stabbed there in the last few years. It is a dive and needs to go away.

East Cape Girardeau doesn't have restaurants, banks and hotels like Cape Girardeau to support its tax base. I say hooray, and I can't wait to go. If looking at a naked body is the worst thing a Cape resident does, great.

Apparently we need to refocus and thank our police force for busting the child-porn freaks in our communities on the Missouri side of the bridge.

MATT SULLIVAN, Cape Girardeau