Letter to the Editor

Tax the rich, everyone pays

To the editor:

I become upset when I hear anyone say we need to raise taxes on the rich and not others. I'm not rich. The reason I feel this way is because it can't be done.

Where do rich people get their money? From consumers. The rich don't just reach into the air and get a bag of money. It comes from the people who consume what the rich offer -- even professional athletes, entertainers and politicians. Anywhere money is spent there is a profit made. All costs plus profit are passed on to consumer. This happens every time a product is handled until it reaches the consumer. All businesses operate on a percentage profit, so each time the cost grows by the percent charge of cost.

If the wealthy paid all the taxes, they would increase the cost of their goods to the consumers, which is everybody, rich and poor. So everyone would pay.

Tax the wealthy, and the consumer will pay the tax. Whenever someone says to take the rich, ask this: "Can it be done?" You have just read the answer.


Cape Girardeau