Letter to the Editor

Action threatens residents on rivers

To the editor:

Recent actions by U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns of Montana to "share the pain" of drought conditions in the Missouri River basin reflect a glaring ignorance of the facts and a total disregard for the impact with lower flows would have on downstream citizens.

In reality, Burns' amendment disregards the Corps of Engineers' new master manual, which further curtails releases for downstream use in drought conditions. His ill-conceived scheme blindsided U.S. Sen. Kit Bond of Missouri, who is fighting hard to protect multiple uses on the Missouri River.

Burns' amendment would mean the end of commercial navigation, the very real possibility that power plants would have to halt production under certain conditions and real difficulties for those who rely on the Missouri River for drinking water. If that isn't enough, substantially reduced flows could adversely impact Mississippi River commerce as early as this October. So much for sharing the pain.

CHARLES E. KRUSE, President, Missouri Farm Bureau, Jefferson City, Mo.