Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

In his July 15 column, Peter Kinder neglected to inform us of the true costs of economic investments in building a power plant in western Cape Girardeau County. The problem is not that more U.S. energy plants should be built. The problem is that the proposed location of the plant could pollute the entire county and that Kinder is using his political influence to bypass the safeguards set up by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

The electricity the plant would produce would not directly benefit Missouri. The electricity would be transported to Oklahoma and sold to the highest corporate bidder. Kinder's assertion of preventing energy shortages here is incorrect.

DNR rejected Kinder Morgan Power Co.'s permit application because it failed to meet Missouri's clean-air emissions standards. Kinder is now pressuring the governor and appealing above DNR to waive standards that have been required of the last 10 natural-gas plants built in Missouri. Furthermore, the plant intends to add diesel-fuel engines, one of the dirtiest polluting fuels.

Prevailing winds will care up to 500 tons of nitrous oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and small particulates directly into Jackson, Millersville, Fruitland and Cape Girardeau. This smog is dangerous for children and anyone suffering from respiratory disorders. Why add pollutants to the air when electricity will be sold to other states?

Concerned residents should write DNR (P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102) and copy their letters to Gov. Bob Holden (P.O. Box 720, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102).


Cape Coalition Against Pollution

Cape Girardeau