Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Recently I followed a Jackson municipal truck hauling a large transformer up Highway 72 halfway to Fredericktown. The speed was 40 mph. I managed to get around him, but he made no effort to pull over.

More recently I encountered four very large tractor-dirt movers on Highway 3 in Illinois south of Ware moving at 20 to 25 mph. The back two pulled over twice to allow traffic to pass, but the front two didn't. Is there any rule or law for common courtesy in dealing with this nuisance?


Cape Girardeau

EDITOR'S NOTE: A check of the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Illinois State Police turned up no traffic laws that require vehicles to observe a minimum speed limit of 40 mph. However, officials in both states said motorists could be cited for "impeding traffic" if conditions warranted. Otherwise, it's a matter of highway courtesy to pull over in certain situations.