Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Christmas is celebration, and celebration finds its origin in the heart. Down through the centuries, in times of love and ward, has Christmas been celebrated since the ringing cry was first heard: "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

Christmas is celebration, with gift giving and feasting, decorations with scarlet ribbon, the sound of music and ornaments on a Christmas tree. Christmas is celebration, but these traditions that harvest so bountifully to surround the day have their significance only if they define the intention of the heart.

Christmas is celebration, but without the intention to express faith and hope and love, which are gifts that cannot be bought and sold nor traded, one's gifts are bare, like a Christmas tree without ornaments and lights that no longer shine.

Christmas is celebration, and the attributes that exemplified the true meaning of the first Christmas are as present in this year of our Lord as they were the day the Christ child was born. Faith, hope and love, gifts without price, ornaments incapable of imitation, are found only in one's heart and are, therefore, unique.

May the joy and peace of our Lord be in the midst of your heart as you celebrate Christmas this year.


Cape Girardeau