Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I am a lifelong resident of Southeast Missouri and am proud of the overall character and appearance of our area.

The current building boom in residential development is great. The local economy is helping many people acquire the dream of home ownership.

My concern is in this fast-developing environment that the buyer beware. Quick upstarts and speed techniques often leave quality in the wings. Good daily infomercials and good-ol'-boy imagery have nothing to do with what you will be paying for over the next 30 years. Displays do not guarantee what the product you buy will contain beneath the surface.

I challenge the lending institutions and appraiser organizations of our area to openly educate our citizens. I believe citizens should demand only highly trained and certified inspectors. We have beautifully built homes and businesses in our community and a large core of highly skilled builders and developers who can continue this tradition. Please keep Southeast Missouri proud, solid and a showplace for Missouri.

