Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

There is much ado lately about changing, or even eliminating, the present national income tax code and starting over. In reviewing the present code, one is reminded of the old saying, "A camel is a horse designed by a committee." Similarly, it seem that the present tax code is one, understandably, designed by a democratic republic such as ours. It is the result over the years of the pulling and tugging of the various interests in our society coupled with the 500-plus national representatives and senators trying to satisfy them.

It is true that the present income tax code is a preponderous Rube Goldberg mechanism. Various proposals for change (simplification, flat tax) have merit. Now comes a movement that promises simplistic hope that the present code could be eliminated by the turn of the century and a much better result could be achieved. Given the continuation of the process that fashioned the present code, it is not unlikely that the result of a renewed effort would be about the same. Want to bet?


Cape Girardeau