Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

As a nontraditional student attending Southeast Missouri State University, I vehemently oppose the Hancock II Amendment. If this amendment gains passage, there will be severe monetary repercussions which will affect all levels of educational institutions statewide. For example, tuition fees at SEMO for the spring semester will be $85 per credit hour plus an additional $4 per credit hour for incidental fees. The passage of Hancock II could raise tuition fees at least $60 or more per credit hour.

Should this amendment become effective, there is simply no way for many students to pursue higher learning (especially those who are working their way through school or those dependent upon grants, loans, and/or scholarships). Any state-supported higher learning educational institution should have reasonable costs which are affordable to all individuals who have the desire and need to obtain college degrees. Otherwise, higher education falls into a category of discrimination which enables only the rich to achieve higher learning. To me, this clearly indicates a violation of each and every individual's (excluding the rich) basic civil rights.

Additionally, our country is in great need of better qualified workers who are able to perform more effectively and efficiently in the workplace. Hancock II would most definitely disallow this very basic privilege and right.

I encourage each and every individual (especially those who have children) to vote no to Hancock II on election day.


Cape Girardeau