August Yard of the Month

Shown above are Ramblewood Garden Club members Marion Kramer and Anne Foust, and homeowners Bruce and Carla Fee with their golden retriever, Ollie.

Ramblewood Garden Club has awarded the August Yard of the Month to Bruce and Carla Fee who live on Greenbrier Drive, a street and neighborhood of beautiful yards and plantings. The Fees have landscaped their front area with white and pink peonies and phlox for spring blooms, and then a riot of colorful flowers overtakes the rest of the summer landscape with bright yellow and black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) planted as a border on the backyard fence. Joining in are red and orange cannas, pink and yellow daylilies, purple blooming lirope, orange tiger lilies (Tigrinum splendens), two red-leafed Japanese maple trees (Acer palmatum), and a red flowering hibiscus. Bunches of bright yellow blooming coreopsis edge the front walkway step, and a purple rose of Sharon (Althea) shrub grows on the north property line. Placed at intervals on the back deck are pots of mixed and colorful combinations of red and yellow bougainvillea, fern, red gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)), dracaena, purple mandevillea and white geraniums. Added are a potted yellow hibiscus and a large green fern, making the deck area a restful and soothing space. Bruce is currently rooting cuttings of tall, zone and cold tolerant, red flowering crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia) for planting along the backyard fence. Hats off to Bruce for efforts in rooting new plants. Thank you to the Fees for creating a colorful summer landscape, making our town a more beautiful place to live and enjoy. Shown above are Ramblewood Garden Club members Marion Kramer and Anne Foust, and homeowners Bruce and Carla Fee with their golden retriever, Ollie.
