Valedictorian 2024: Rachael Hellebusch

Rachael Hellebusch
Nathan Gladden ~

Meadow Heights High School

Parents: John and Kimberly Hellebusch

Post-graduation plans: I plan to attend Murray State University this fall, where I hope to attain both a bachelor's degree and master's degree in mathematics with a certification in secondary education. After receiving those degrees, I hope to land a job as a mathematics instructor at the high school or college level. I hope to become a teacher who can make math enjoyable while also showing everything that it can accomplish.

High school activities: Basketball (team captain), softball (team captain), Beta Club (president), Student Council (president) , FFA (officer), Pep Club, Art Club (officer), Smokebusters and class president (six years).

Favorite high school experience: Athletic events. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenges sports provided for me. I beleive they pushed me to get better both physically and mentally. They helped me improve my work ethic and my leadership skills, both of which will drastically benefit me in my future endeavors.

Biggest role model: Mrs. Foltz, math teacher. I have spent the last few years watching her selflessly dedicate her time and energy into pushing me to be the best I can be. I greatly admire her for everything she does, both in and out of the classroom. Not only does she teach her students lessons on numbers, but she teaches them valuable lessons about life. After watching her, I hope that I use what I have learned and establish myself in the teaching profession. If I can simply become a fraction of the teacher she is, I will achieve my ideal career.

Advice to underclassmen: Always try to keep a positive attitude. You'll have days when you just want to go home, but pretty soon, you'll wake up and realize you've made it through. Make sure to soak every moment up and make the best out of any situation you're thrown into.

Three words to describe high school: Eventful, entertaining and transforming.
