Valedictorians 2024: Tucker Miller

Tucker Miller
Nathan Gladden ~

Thomas W. Kelly High School

Parents: Sarah Householder and Todd Miller.

Post-graduation plans: Attend University of Missouri-Columbia and pursue degrees in criminal justice and psychology. After completing my undergraduate studies, I will then attend law school in hopes of becoming an attorney.

High school activities: Beta Club, STUCO, FCCLA, FBLA, basketball, football and baseball.

Favorite high school experience: Checking into the basketball game at Oran my senior year after the doctors told me I wouldn't be able to play anymore and not being on any active sports roster in almost a year.

Biggest role model: coach Rod and coach Trimmer.

Advice to underclassmen: Take school for everything it has to offer. Soak up every minute of that first-hour class even though you wish you were still in bed. Remember that time will pass and never come back. So, therefore, make the best of everything you can and don't take anything for granted.

Three words to describe high school: Play it again.
