Valedictorians 2024: Sydnie Floyd

Sydnie Floyd
Nathan Gladden ~

Jackson High School

Parents: Jason and Holly Floyd.

Post-graduation plans: Attend Maryville University of St. Louis in the fall in the direct-entry Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program. I hope to eventually open my own physical therapy practice.

High school activities: Student Council, class officer (president) student body officer (president), National Junior Honor Society (vice president), volleyball (captain), JClick (club leader), choir (choir council), Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Cool Kids Against Bullying, Interact Club, Club Med and Girls State 2023.

Favorite high school experience: Finding out I was valedictorian during my graduation ceremony.

Biggest role model: Dad. He is the hardest worker I know and has always encouraged me to be my very best.

Advice to underclassmen: Enjoy every bit of high school while you can. It will be over before you know it. Always work as hard as you can. It will be worth it.

Three words to describe high school: Stressful, memorable and amazing.
