Out of the past: July 7


Three cases of Hepatitis A were confirmed from a Cape Girardeau County day care, but county health officials say the outbreak was quickly contained thanks to prompt reporting by the day care; Charlotte Craig, director of the Cape Girardeau County Health Department, says one adult and two children at Little Rascal’s day care had the infection.

Parents whose children were affected by recently-adopted elementary school boundary changes must return requests to grandfather their children to the Cape Girardeau School District before the July 30 deadline; applications are available at the district’s administrative office for children hoping to continue their school attendance at the buildings they attended during the 1998-99 school year.


The Rev. Herman E. Naumann of Hermitage, Tennessee, is installed at Eisleben Lutheran Church in Illmo in the afternoon as the 12th pastor of the 123-year-old church; Naumann was born in Elberta, Alabama, in 1926, and after a vicarage in Cleveland, Ohio, he was graduated from Concordia Seminary inn Springfield, Illinois, in 1952; since 1968, he has been pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Hermitage.

The Lutheran Lanes in Cape Girardeau have seen better bowling teams, but it’s doubtful there has ever been a more religious team as that which played there from the late fall to the spring of this year; all the members are ministers; included on the team are the Revs. E.C. Brasington of First Presbyterian Church, Elvis O. Wilson of First Baptist Church, Max Jenkins of First Christian Church and Oscar Lukefahr of St. Vincent’s Catholic Church.


Heavy rains, falling at intervals overnight, brings relief from the heat to sweltering Girardeans, but there is no evidence it will be of any great duration; the mercury fell below a maximum of 90 degrees yesterday for the first time in eight days, attaining 87 degrees; low for the night was 70.

There is no change in the status of a strike of 25 members of the International Federation of Grain Millers (A.F. of L.), who yesterday left their jobs at Mill A of the Cape County Milling Co. in Jackson after two months of negotiations for a new contract; the mill was shut down, and the company announced it isn’t able to purchase grain at those places where it ordinarily buys; a union spokesman says the local is asking for an increase of 10 cents per hour in wages, plus one-week vacations with pay the first year and two weeks the second year of employment; in addition it is asking for six paid holidays.


Victor J. Miller of St. Louis, one of three candidates for the Republican nomination for governor of Missouri, arrives in Cape Girardeau at noon and will speak tonight at Courthouse Park; his talk will mark the opening of an intensive speaking campaign which will include three or four speeches each day during the remainder of the time before the primary, Aug. 5; Miller, a former police commissioner of St. Louis, is running on a platform of street law enforcement.

Mark Twain evening at the Teachers College auditorium is enjoyed by a large audience; the music and singing is good, the Mark Twin features of the program entertaining, and the audience is in the proper mood for the occasion; dean Robert Douglass of the college, gives an interesting and instructive talk on Twain, the great Missourian and famous American humorist and philosopher; the “Tom Sawyer” film is enjoyed by all; about $60 is collected for the Mark Twain Memorial Park fund at Florida, the great man’s birth place.

Southeast Missourian librarian Sharon Sanders compiles the information for the daily Out of the Past column. She also writes a blog called “From the Morgue” that showcases interesting historical stories from the newspaper. Check out her blog at semissourian.com/history.
