
SEMO cybersecurity program earns federal recognition

Through the ages, information has been a valuable commodity, and because of that, bad actors have tried to take it even if it wasn’t theirs.

We’ve gotten better about protecting our personal, commercial and governmental financial, medical and intelligence records. But so have the folks trying to get that information.

For every encrypted message and dual-confirmation log-in we have, there is a hacker somewhere around the world creating the next malware. That’s why protecting our information in this digital age requires specialized skills and immense knowledge.

Colleges and universities have poured resources into cybersecurity programs, and Southeast Missouri State University is among the nation’s leaders in this area.

The federal government’s National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security recognize this and recently renewed SEMO’s designation as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense. SEMO is one of only five four-year universities in the state to earn the designation. In recent years, its student teams have succeeded at a high level in cybersecurity competitions.

The university’s program earned the renewal by establishing standards for cybersecurity curriculum and academic excellence in developing competence among students and faculty, community outreach and leadership in professional development, integrated cybersecurity practices across academic disciplines and solutions to cybersecurity education challenges.

SEMO’s inclusion in the program benefits students in tangible ways — eligibility for scholarships, internships and job opportunities through the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity. Faculty, too, benefit by being able to apply for federal grants to further develop the university’s program and access training.

Our society lives in the digital world — from swiping a card at a gas pump to paying bills online to reading this newspaper at www.semissourian.com. Cybersecurity jobs are growing at a rapid pace and will continue to do so.

SEMO’s program is preparing students to enter that field armed with a quality education and marketable skills. The NSA and Homeland Security seal of approval is a feather in the program’s cap.

