Letter to the Editor

Bush, pundits join bandwagon of the liberals

To the editor:

As President Bush and his pundits, the neo-cons, join the liberal point of view on everything from the economy to education, those of us who remain loyal to a more paleo-conservative view need to openly express our opinions more often. Where is the religious right on the new politics, to name one group? Have they succumbed to the evangelism of the liberals as have Bush and the neo-cons?

For example, George Will pointed out, rather wrongly, that the new economy needs more government oversight because of the Enron mess. Someone should explain to him that the Enron mess had plenty of government oversight. The government was involved in almost every aspect of Enron's business under Bush's as well as under Clinton's administration. To their credit, the Treasury under Bush denied Enron aid when it sought it.

Will is not alone in his jumping on the liberal bandwagon. Pay close attention to the so-called neo-con views expressed by other columnists, because there you will find plenty of new liberal ideas. They support Bush on health care, foreign aid, education and other programs that fall well within a liberal agenda.

Thank goodness that there are newscasters telling us who is liberal or who is conservative among our politicians, because, based on observation, most of us would be left in the dark.


Marble Hill, Mo.