Letter to the Editor

Jackson needs more activities for young people

To the editor:

In response to concern that Jackson doesn't have enough policemen to stop vandalism: You are going to have some things happen such as vandalism and small petty stuff. The police cannot be everywhere all the time. Jackson has enough police presence already. Boredom increase the chances of vandalism. Kids or young adults who may be doing this are simply bored in Jackson. The city of beautiful homes, churches and schools have nothing for kids to do. There is a dire need of some sort of recreation center for kids to go to.

Surely Jackson can find a way within its budget to make a lifelong investment in keeping the city beautiful and relatively crime free. Spending some dollars now would save the city from spending thousands later on cleaning it up. I am lifelong resident, and the city has never attempted to offer anything for young kids to do. Remember, an idle mind is the devil's workshop.

The lack of police force is not the reason Jackson has a problem. It is the lack of things Jackson has not done to help young kids and adults from causing problems. Think about it.

