Canine Advocate
Melanie Coy

The Killing of a Legacy

Posted Sunday, February 21, 2010, at 10:42 AM


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  • This is an excellent and well researched article. I hope that people who support the HSUS and PETA out of ignorance, thinking that those organizations help animals learn the truth and withdraw their support of those organizations.

    Michael Vickand his buddies did despicable things to the dogs in his care, so does HSUS and PETA. Thank you again for a balanced and sane article on a very sad day for these rehabilitatable animals that have been destroyed out of ignorance.

    -- Posted by PITPERSON555 on Sun, Feb 21, 2010, at 6:34 PM
  • The 146 Pit Bull in Wilkes County NC were not euthanized February 17, 1010. They were euthanized February 17, 2009. The dogs were not held for over a year. 127 were confiscated December 10, 2008. 19 were born after the bust. All the dogs were euthanized 2 months and 2 weeks following the bust.

    -- Posted by manthala on Sun, Feb 21, 2010, at 7:47 PM
  • My thanks to manthala and my apologies to the readers. I always keep the background information I work from to verify my sources. In the case of this story, I was not the only person under the impression these events happened just recently. I will correct the dates involved, but I stand by the subject of the story.

    -- Posted by Melanie Coy on Sun, Feb 21, 2010, at 8:51 PM
  • the author is clearly confusing the destruction of the faron dogs on that date last year with the impending destruction of the missouri dogs, which I think was scheduled for last week before some last ditch efforts.

    now that the h$u$ has killed off most of the big foundation yards they have switched sides and say that now they can be adopted just as long as they get big mandatory payments for it somehow.

    anyone sincerely wanting to help floyd boudreaux right the wrong done to him can donate to the defense/action fund at floydboudreaux -atgmail-dotcom or go through usdogs.net

    -- Posted by pet-lover on Mon, Feb 22, 2010, at 4:11 PM
  • Hi,

    I actually work at the HSUS, and wanted to clarify a few things. The HSUS has changed the policy on dogs seized from fighting busts, and recommend that they all be individually evaluated. Below is our official statement on the Faron case for anyone is interested.

    Fighting dogs confiscated in raids against organized dogfighting rings should be individually evaluated before their future is determined. In the case of dogs seized from professional dogfighter Ed Faron in North Carolina, The Humane Society of the United States offered to pay for such an evaluation. North Carolina officials, however, decided they were bound by state and county law to act as they did. Defining and advocating sensible policies for the humane treatment of animal victims of dogfighting is an important issue, and we are engaged in dialogue with a number of groups with a keen interest in that topic. We welcome the dialogue.

    Combating the scourge of illegal dogfighting is a top priority of The HSUS, and should be a major concern of all animal-loving Americans. Debates within the humane movement are healthy and valuable -- but no one should lose sight of the fact that dogfighters themselves are at the root of suffering that staggers the soul. A single dogfighting breeder like Faron could doom 1,000 dogs or more to bloodly, violent deaths each year in this criminal underground.

    No organization has done as much -- or anywhere near as much -- as The Humane Society of the United States to shield dogs by ridding the landscape of these professional fighting racketeers. We have staff dedicated to taking on this industry and a plan to dismantle it. Yet, with perhaps as many as 600,000 pit bulls euthanized in shelters each year, there is a larger issue here -- the mistreatment of these animals too often for the wrong reasons. For more information please visit our web site at http://www.humanesociety.org/acf/fighting/dogfight/ .

    -- Posted by humanesarah on Tue, Feb 23, 2010, at 3:38 PM
  • Wow. Amazing reading!

    -- Posted by goat lady on Sun, Feb 28, 2010, at 5:06 PM
  • Floyd'd site usdogs.net was hacked, so there's a new site, www.us-dogs.net, please make a note of it.

    -- Posted by Bulldogluvr on Wed, Dec 1, 2010, at 7:59 PM