Missouri Capitol Report
Sen. Jason Crowell

New Accountability for Missouri's Tax Credits

Posted Thursday, January 14, 2010, at 12:28 PM


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  • Sen. Crowell,

    I read your tax credit accountability proposal. IMHO I interpret it as legislation that will be ripe for abuse from lobbyists.

    This phrase particularly caught my attention, "Proponents of the tax credit programs that are subject to this appropriations process would have the opportunity to present their case to the committees for why the General Assembly should allocate tax credits to the programs, much like the current process for those who seek state appropriations dollars".

    Not that this abuse isn't happening now. However, this type of legislation serves only those players that are large and powerful enough to achieve the high level of influence that is necessary to survive in a mercantilistic economic system, and those that would allow these players to thrive while their less important competitors are destroyed by these advantages.

    Realize that the people's faith in government is on the wane. We, the citizens of the State of Missouri would be better served if you, our duly elected officials and representatives, would learn from our example.

    Live within your means.


    Rick Vandeven

    Chaffee, MO

    -- Posted by Lumpy on Thu, Jan 14, 2010, at 5:54 PM
  • Jason,

    Why don't you prevent tax credits from being sold to businesse who didn't earn them. You would probably cut the net effect by 50% overall.

    Larry Bill

    Jackson, Missouri

    -- Posted by nolimitsonthought on Thu, Jan 14, 2010, at 10:33 PM
  • Good idea Larry. Why didn't our elected legislators think of that? Too much money to be made?

    -- Posted by dgparham on Sat, Jan 16, 2010, at 1:22 PM
  • Why not just reduce the tax burden on all missourians to the amount of $584.7 million and the state will not have the headache of trying to divide up the money among the few that are most influential in the decision process? Would not tax deductions make more since.

    -- Posted by Old John on Sun, Jan 17, 2010, at 12:13 PM
  • Jeez! Not even a token "thanks for reading".

    I guess that the responders failed to fall into line, and automatically praise the Senator's legislation as something that can only possibly be good.

    Good it is. Good for the elite ruling class and their handlers.

    -- Posted by Lumpy on Sun, Jan 17, 2010, at 2:37 PM