Missouri Capitol Report
Sen. Jason Crowell

Bringing Jobs to Missouri

Posted Monday, March 1, 2010, at 10:08 AM


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  • This is disgusting... How could you??? What a disgusting worthless politician you are... Right to Work would lower wages across the board and the last thing that people in Missouri is a pay cut...

    -- Posted by sdjennings64012 on Mon, Mar 1, 2010, at 1:07 PM
  • this video bought,er brought to you by the ch mber of commerce. the republicans won't be happy until we all make 8 bucks an hr. hire illigal aliens for near nothing,ship manufacturing over seas. of course we could just start up a lobbyist firm and try to look respectful, like all of our lawmakers when they get out of office.

    -- Posted by workingdude on Tue, Mar 16, 2010, at 7:58 AM
  • his video is full of baloney. will raise wages. ha. why would business' move here if the wages are higher? double talk. when you see carpenters picketing a consruction site, it means some out of towner was the low bidder, and he brings in undocumented workers( aliens).when is the last time you heard of someone moving to arkansas for a job? oklahoma?

    -- Posted by workingdude on Tue, Mar 16, 2010, at 8:08 AM