The Bottom Line
Melissa Miller

New art gallery to open in May

Posted Monday, April 19, 2010, at 9:37 AM


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  • Great. But what is going into the old Blimpies on Broadway? Persons of Hispanic descent have been seen working there. Is this more illegal or a new El Torero?

    And what about the request for a license for Dirt Cheap at 420 South Kingshighway? Is this the Dirt Cheap chain out of Saint Louis? Why doesn't this paper have a business reporter?

    -- Posted by nocomment on Wed, Apr 21, 2010, at 12:35 AM
  • Well then here is some more work for you. Is Mue Bueno moving? Basic fuel has reopened and we all need to support them as they force the whole fuel market down for us here in Cape. How about a story comparing fuel prices in Cape to Perryville and south of here. And then a story in a month showing how basic fuel forces the prices to become competitive here. It is not news if you cover it after everyone in town already knows it. Remember this is a "news"paper. Not a history paper.

    -- Posted by nocomment on Wed, Apr 21, 2010, at 11:55 PM