The Bottom Line
Melissa Miller

Health Care Reform explained tomorrow

Posted Wednesday, June 16, 2010, at 12:25 PM


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  • The politicians that voted for this health bill can't explain the bill, but this guy can?

    The only thing known about this healthcare bill is that we, the citizens, and our succeeding generations will be writing sizable checks to the government to pay for it.

    -- Posted by FreedomFadingFast on Wed, Jun 16, 2010, at 2:36 PM
  • Melissa

    I am curious where the money came from to start this foundation. All of their revenue over the past 3 years (info on 990's at guidestar.org) is investment income. Net assets in 2006 was over $1.2 billion and the only income was $120,029,489 from investments (no donations or grants to speak off). Very similar numbers for 2007 and then a drop in net assets due to the decline in the stock market for 2008 (Net assets reduced to $836,749,832). The 2009 990 is not available for viewing yet.

    So my question is, who founded the group and where did the money come from?

    Just FYI - the President/CEO of this not-for-profit was paid $485,083 and the VP was paid $311,830 in 2008. Everyone in Cape seems to believe that not-for-profits should not accumulate net assets. Just shows to go ya that everything is relative.

    -- Posted by Shrike_Three on Wed, Jun 16, 2010, at 2:45 PM