The Bottom Line
Melissa Miller

Verizon offers refunds for data charges

Posted Monday, October 4, 2010, at 10:02 AM


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  • I was a telecom manager at a newspaper where I rode herd on about 700 wireless devices on a variety of carriers.

    When we moved about 400 of them off ATT and onto Verizon because of signal and support issues, I noticed that it was easy for a user to inadvertently connect to the data area with a couple of accidental keystrokes. I did it myself several times.

    I retired two years ago, so I'm letting all my telephone knowledge leak out of head as quickly as possible, so I don't remember whether Verizon came up with a fix to block our accounts from accessing data or if we just refused to pay it.

    For some reason, I think it was the former, because I don't recall doing any extra auditing steps to strip out the data charges.

    I hate to say anything good about ATT, but I believe it was possible to block data access on them without jumping through any hoops.

    -- Posted by ksteinhoff on Mon, Oct 4, 2010, at 10:40 AM