The Bottom Line
Melissa Miller

Quarry Quotes.....more from Thursday's meeting

Posted Friday, January 28, 2011, at 4:51 PM


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  • By reading the quotes in the article, you can see the difference in knowledge about the issue. Those that oppose have only hollow expectations and the proponents comments are based on facts. If the opposition were truely unbiased, they would spend some of their time to observe first hand how a quarry operates. Find out when blasting is done and witness the process. Note that the rocks are washed during crushing to reduce dust evident by the wet rocks coming off the conveyor. Then watch the water trucks travel throughout the quarry during the day around the quarry and outlining streets. If the opposition were truely informed, they would not say the things they do. They just prove their ignorance about the issue when they do speak.

    -- Posted by jadip4me on Thu, Feb 3, 2011, at 9:08 AM