
Welcome rain

Golfers rarely look at rain clouds and smile, but we swear we heard some golfers welcoming the steady precipitation that swept into the area last week thanks to Hurricane Dennis. Especially happy were Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois farmers worried about the effect a lengthening drought is having on their crops.

Cape Girardeau and other counties in Southeast Missouri are among 106 counties in the state under a declared drought advisory or drought alert. A drought advisory means rainfall has been below normal for several months. In those counties under a drought alert, rainfall has been below normal for many months, stream levels have dropped and plants are showing signs of stress.

The two higher phases in the Missouri Drought Response Plan call for water conservation, supplementing supplies and even rationing.

More rain will be needed to catch up to normal totals. But for now the moisturizing effects of Hurricane Dennis are still being enjoyed by farmers and golfers alike.
