Letter to the Editor

Greek groups make big difference

To the editor:

I was very touched by the front-page article on the young woman searching for her family after being adopted. It is comforting to know that young women still care about each other enough to set their own needs aside and help out a friend or sorority sister. I happen to know first-hand that the group of women who donated so graciously to their friend and sister also donated over $500 worth of toys and necessities to a local family in need. That adds to over $1,000 that this sorority donated at Christmas to people other than themselves.

In a community that is sometimes seen as a college town, it is hard for people to see that the Greeks are pretty good students just trying to get a good college education while helping each other and the community. The annual Greek Week is coming up in April. What most people in Cape Girardeau probably don't know is that last year the Greek community at Southeast Missouri State University raised and donated over $40,000 to local charities, which just shows how wonderful the Greek organizations on campus are.

Please continue to support the many organizations on campus, including the Greek community. The article truly touched my heart. Even though I had heard the story before, it still brought a tear to my eye while reading it.