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You can hear the ring-a-ling at nearly every shopping store this Christmas season. And that jingle should provide a gentle reminder to help those in need.

The Salvation Army Tree of Lights campaign is under way. The agency has targeted an ambitious goal of $175,000. The money is raised through benefits, donations and the familiar red kettles and bell ringers.

The Salvation Army is perhaps more conspicuous this time of year. But the agency provides indispensable assistance to those in need throughout the year.

The organization aids families with rent, utility bills, food expenses, clothing costs and prescription medicines. It also provides gasoline and hotel and transportation vouchers for those in need.

The need may be as simple as a coat -- one of 1,250 collected by the Salvation Army, Schnucks and Zimmer Broadcasting. It may be as complex as helping a family evicted from their home or someone who unexpectedly lost their job.

The Salvation Army can see the need and response immediately, unlike some other government aid. This is especially help for temporary and unforeseen situations. And the agency keeps track of its assistance to avoid unnecessary duplication.

For many, the Salvation Army represents a safety net that can help people put their lives back on track.

But the Salvation Army can't accomplish this work without our help. The community must answer the jingle of the bell ringers with a jingle from our pockets.