Speak Out 7-17-24

Swim coverage

I am very disappointed in your article about the Southeast Missouri Swim Conference Summer Championships held in Cape Girardeau on Saturday, July 13, at the Cape Aquatic Center. I see the article focused on individual swimmers; however, in the text which addresses the team totals, you neglected to report the first-place winner of the medium-size team as River City Aquatics (RCA), the home team for the meet. The article reads as if Kennett Swim Team (KST) dominated the event, and that is completely incorrect. KST did accumulate the greatest number of points for the whole meet, that is true, mainly due to the number of swimmers they entered who were collecting the lower place points in the events. What was neglected to be reported was that RCA swimmers won 48 of 80 total events. In addition, RCA swimmers earned first place high points trophies in 8 of 10 age brackets. If the goal of the article was to focus on the individual swimmers mentioned, that goal was achieved. Failure to note the outstanding performance of the RCA team was a huge disappointment to all those swimmers who had an excellent performance at the championship meet, and who are the true champs of the meet.

Biden decline

It should be evident from anyone watching the last presidential debate that Joe Biden has been in a state of mental and physical decline for the last few years. Now we are watching the Democratic Party implode from their efforts to drag Joe Biden across the November finish line. Also, we’ve seen the news media engage in one of the largest scandals in American history. The Democratic Party and the news media have proven they are willing to blatantly lie to the American people as long as they win. They have put democracy in danger. Congratulations.

Desperate for votes?

Republicans just passed a bill that makes it illegal for non-citizens to vote in presidential elections. Sounds good to their base but the law has been on the books for decades. This is how desperate they are for votes.

No shouting

The only shouting Biden heard in the June 27 debate was in his head from democrats yelling "GET OUT JOE". I watched the entire debate, and never once heard Trump shout while Biden was mumbling an answer. And I agree with Trump, I don’t know what Biden said on several occasions. I am sure Biden does not know what he said either.