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FaithFebruary 1, 2025

Julie Roys argues that socialism contradicts Christian teachings, citing reasons such as materialism and virtue punishment. A Barna poll shows mixed views on Jesus' stance, with millennials favoring socialism.

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Julie Roys hosts a national radio program on the Moody Radio Network called “Up for Debate”. She also wrote an article titled “5 Reasons Socialism is Not Christian.” In it, she cites research that indicates many Americans believe Jesus would favor socialism over capitalism. According to a Barna poll, 24% thought Jesus supported socialism, 14% thought he would support capitalism, and 62% responded neither or not sure.

Roys says Millennials are the most pro-socialist generation America has ever known. According to a recent Reason-Rupe survey, 53% of Americans younger than 30 view socialism favorably, compared to less than a third of Americans over 30. Gallup found that 69% of those younger than 30 said they would be willing to vote for a socialist presidential candidate. Many factors could explain this trend.

As a Christian, I must weigh my emotions with Scripture knowing that the heart is deceitful as Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?”

According to Roys, socialism may sound compassionate and Christian, but it is antithetical to everything Christianity teaches. She cites five reasons why:

Socialism is based on a materialistic worldview

Socialists claim the problem is the unequal distribution of wealth. To socialists, all that exists is the material world. Karl Marx, the father of socialism/communism, invented the notion of dialectical materialism — the belief that matter contains a creative power within itself. This enabled Marx to eliminate the need for a creator. The solution to life’s problems, for the socialist, is to redistribute wealth so everyone has the same amount of stuff.

The Bible teaches that our most significant problems are spiritual. It says sin causes suffering, and salvation is found in Christ's cross, which liberates us from sin. Because of sin, there will always be inequalities. The parable of the talents shows that those with good character tend to accumulate more; those with bad character may lose everything they have. Even so, our quality of life is not determined by how much stuff we have but by our relationship to Christ.

Socialism punishes virtue

Socialists want to distribute wealth to individuals according to their needs, regardless of virtue. Karl Marx famously said, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Interestingly, Marx mooched off others his whole life and failed to provide for his wife and children. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says, “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” The Apostle Paul said that a man who fails to provide for his family is “worse than an unbeliever.” The church has historically rewarded virtue and discouraged vice. Unfortunately, socialism does just the opposite.

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Socialism endorses stealing

There is a difference between sharing and having your possessions stripped from you and redistributed to others. Americans have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is the same thing as being allowed to own possessions. Taking or destroying property that does not belong to you is wrong.

Socialism encourages envy and class warfare

Socialists demonize the rich, blaming all of society’s problems on them. Scripture does not support taking from the haves and giving to the have-nots. While the Bible speaks against oppressing the poor, it also teaches us not to covet, Exodus 20:17. Socialism prefers revolution over reconciliation.

Socialism seeks to destroy marriage and family

Essentially, what socialism seeks is for the state to replace the family. That way, it can indoctrinate children in its Leftist way of thinking and remove from them any notions of God and religion. Free education, health care, free this and free that sounds good. However, we should ask if this free stuff is an attempt to remove freedom.

I have traveled to various countries. Whether on a mission trip or as a tourist, most people I encounter speak positively about America. People risk their lives trying to enter our country, while people in communist countries risk their lives trying to leave.

May God keep us genuinely free.

Shawn Wasson, D.Min., is the pastor of Bethany Baptist Church.


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