featuresJuly 27, 2024
Caught a snapping turtle while fishing? Learn how to safely handle these sharp-clawed creatures from an outdoorsman’s firsthand experience.
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Last Sunday while fishing for bluegill in a local farm pond, I caught a common snapping turtle. I guessed its weight to be about 5 pounds.

The fish hook was visible in the corner of its mouth. I turned the unhappy snapper on his back and held him down with my left foot. The turtle waved its legs, and I realized an opportunity to get a photo of its clawed toes.

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A few minutes later the snapper calmed. I carry a pliers in my pocket when l go fishing expressly for occasions like this. After a few attempts to retrieve the small hook from the turtle’s jaw, I was successful. I lifted my foot. He quickly flipped himself over and ran for the safety of the water.

Snapping turtles have dangerous, sharp claws. Be very careful if you catch one!

Horrell is an artist and outdoorsman. He lives in Chaffee. He owns Painted Wren Art Gallery in Cape Girardeau.

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