FoodMay 2, 2024
URBAN Kitchen & Bar opens in downtown Cape Girardeau, replacing Bella Italia. Discover their standout dishes like Korean short ribs and Saigon Pho, and learn about their journey from soft opening to full menu.
The Korean short ribs were rich, flavorful, and left me wanting more.
The Korean short ribs were rich, flavorful, and left me wanting more.Submitted by Mary Ann Castillo

In mid-March, the location formally occupied by Bella Italia in downtown Cape Girardeau welcomed a new resident: URBAN Kitchen & Bar.

The hip sounding name piqued my interest while social media posts lauding their soft opening mid-March had me juggling my calendar to squeeze in a visit before a work trip.

A post on the Urban Kitchen Facebook page describing their Korean short ribs increased my urgency, but I had resigned to delaying my inaugural visit a couple of weeks.

The next thing I knew, I was seated at a bar-height table near a window patiently awaiting my meal. I chatted with one of the owners. If I were a responsible writer, I would have written this column immediately following the meal when the thoughts and memories were fresh. Unfortunately, as the islands beckoned and I focused on passing TSA screening while surviving eight days of business/pleasure/self-inflicted suffering with only the contents of a carry on, I eventually resorted to my go-to packing method: mentally pack for a week before dumping the contents of my purse out in lieu of the essentials. The good news? I passed TSA screenings with flying colors. The bad news? The notes for my first visit to Urban Kitchen were M.I.A.

Despite the lack of my handy dandy notebook, I vividly recalled the Korean short ribs. They were perfectly tender and savory. Likewise, the egg rolls were flavorfully fresh, crisp and light. I remembered feeling physically full while craving more.

Pho's traditionally clear light broth deceptively gives no indication of the depth of flavor.
Pho's traditionally clear light broth deceptively gives no indication of the depth of flavor.Submitted by Mary Ann Castillo

Then, I traveled thousands of miles, over states and an ocean away.

I later returned refreshed, revived, invigorated, educated and motivated.

As I began to formulate thoughts for this column, I checked in with some food-loving friends for unbiased feedback about their own Urban Kitchen experiences.

They were conflicted. The food was good, but they left with more questions than answers. Why was UK still having a "soft opening"? When would UK expand to the full menu? Why did the decor seem somewhat ... uninspired? Why was there no alcohol available? How do you eat pho?

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I was flummoxed. I had a great experience ... but I almost always do. I could not, in good conscience, go forward without investigating further. I did some research, then made my return trip to the Urban Kitchen last Sunday, where I took a seat at the bar and ordered the Saigon Pho. While awaiting my order, I had the opportunity to speak with the other half of the ownership team, Steven Pham, who was cheerful, friendly, and more than happy to answer all of my questions along with sharing his vision for the Urban Kitchen & Bar.

A soft opening is essentially a testing period. As SEMO graduates, Pham and his fiance fell in love with Cape Girardeau. With the creation of the Urban Kitchen & Bar, Pham and his business partner envisioned providing a southeast Asian culinary experience in a warm, comfortable environment. As he looked around the dining area, he noted the decor is not where they'd like it to be, but they are getting closer. They were granted their liquor license a week earlier, and he is looking forward to adding unique Asian cocktails to the menu as they continue to grow in all areas.

Urban Kitchen & Bar located at 20 N. Spanish St. in downtown Cape Girardeau, is committed to using only the freshest ingredients.
Urban Kitchen & Bar located at 20 N. Spanish St. in downtown Cape Girardeau, is committed to using only the freshest ingredients.Submitted by Mary Ann Castillo

This is Pham's first endeavor as a restauranter, and he confidently admitted it has been quite the learning curve. I don't think people truly appreciate the hours of behind-the-scenes work that goes into developing and implementing a complete culinary experience. As he described their vision of the Urban Kitchen & Bar, I suddenly felt honored to be getting a ground-level, behind-the-scenes view of what it looks like to chase your dreams. In a few months, I thought, this could be the new "it" spot downtown and I'll be able to say, "I remember when ..."

My Saigon Pho arrived. Without prompting, my server explained the ingredients while providing some basic instruction on how to eat pho.

The warm clear broth was delightfully beefy and robust, while the brisket was rich and flavorful. Fresh thai leaves added earthiness, and bean sprouts brought some crunch. Smokey sweetness came along with the addition of the dark-colored hoisin sauce, while I added a bit of spice with the fiery red siracha.

If I were a betting person, I'd put my money on the success of Urban Kitchen & Bar. If I were you, I'd make it a point to visit sooner rather than later.

Urban Kitchen & Bar is located at 20 N. Spanish St. in Cape Girardeau.

Mary Ann Castillo has more than 50 years of eating experience with no plans to stop.

In their quest to provide a full culinary experience, Urban Kitchen & Bar welcomes and appreciates honest suggestions and feedback.
In their quest to provide a full culinary experience, Urban Kitchen & Bar welcomes and appreciates honest suggestions and feedback. Submitted by Mary Ann Castillo
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