FoodSeptember 25, 2024
Feeling lonely on National Singles Day? Discover how an affogato at Speck Pizza turned a solitary Saturday into a sweet indulgence. Celebrate life with this Italian treat and find love in a scoop of gelato.
The affogatto at Speck Pizza is a sweet reminder that "date night" doesn't  need to be complicated or extravagant to feel indulgent.
The affogatto at Speck Pizza is a sweet reminder that "date night" doesn't need to be complicated or extravagant to feel indulgent. Submitted by Mary Ann Castillo
Mary Ann Castillo
Mary Ann Castillo

Early Saturday morning I woke up feeling cozy, snuggled unnecessarily deep under my comforter knowing fall was officially just a day away. I let out a contented sigh as I turned over and reached out my hand, allowing my fingers to gently search until they found … my cell phone.

Suddenly, I was overcome by a funny and unfamiliar feeling. Hmmm … I pondered a moment as my brain scanned for the appropriate word to describe the tinge of emotion. Then BAM there it was.

Lonely? Hmmm … yes. Lonely. It was strange. I’m sure I’ve experienced it before, but it’s been a while. I simmered in the feeling for a moment before punching in the magic combination to the world beyond my cell phone. Suddenly, I was looking at the first screen that popped up: Today is National Singles Day.

Funny, Universe, real funny.

Was this really a thing? Apparently, National Singles Day has been “a thing” in the USA since 1980, signifying the beginning of National Singles Week. In fact, according to the 2023 U.S. Census data, Saturday was a day for me to celebrate along with approximately 40% of the adult population.

Yay us!

Unfortunately, my day was booked up, and I didn’t want to blow my budget on a date with myself. How could I surprise myself? A new purse? Nah, not my thing. New running shoes? I smacked my own hand at the thought. A trip to the hair salon? That was long overdue and already on the agenda.


Italy would be a dream come true. A check next to a bucket list destination. My personal pilgrimage to “Eat. Pray. Love." Then reality set in. I only had an hour of free time available that evening and … the budget.

Enter: The Affogato.

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If I was going to experience Italy, I should begin training in my own backyard (AKA Speck Pizza) with a sweet indulgent affogato.

What is an affogato? It is a scoop of gelato “drowned” in espresso, with some variations including a shot of amaretto, Kahlua or other liquor.

The same general idea as the classic summery, American root beer float, the affogato has a sexier, mature, indulgent vibe. I could already picture myself wearing something chic with dark sunglasses while reading “Sharks in the Time of Saviors” by Kawai Strong Washburn for the third time while savoring a pistachio affogato, oblivious to the world passing me by on the streets of Italy.

I excitedly made my way to Speck where I took a seat at the bar and ordered my treat. Conversation began with me asking the two strangers nearest me, “Are you single?” so I could share the good news about "our” special day, never considering the simple question could be misconstrued as flirting. I take a more introverted approach to showing my romantic interest. I avert my eyes and never speak to the object of my affection ever again, but that’s probably a story to explore with a therapist, so I’ll just stick with the affogato.

Manager Nicole explained the affogato is a popular menu item as she assembled the concoction before me. She began with a scoop of chocolate chip gelato, poured in a shot of amaretto, then topped with a shot of fresh espresso.

The song “Moondance” wafted from the speakers overhead as I filled them in on how singles in Spain have given up run clubs and dating apps in lieu of trips to Mercadona, their massive supermarket chain, between 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in search of wine, lentils and love, their shopping cart items signaling availability and the act of crashing carts the ultimate sign of a match.

I initially enjoyed my affogato by the spoonful but as the espresso melted the gelato into a creamy liquid, I opted to drink the last drops, eventually rewarded with a burst of chocolate chips which had collected at the bottom of the glass.

If you think you’ve missed your chance to celebrate singlehood, think again. Apparently, International Singles Day is observed on Nov. 11 and has surpassed Black Friday as the biggest shopping day of the year globally, according to Wikipedia.

Whether celebrating solo or just seeking a quick, easy idea for an inexpensive date night in a great atmosphere, I recommend you find love in an affogato at Speck Pizza, 430 Broadway in Cape Girardeau.

Mary Ann Castillo has over 50 years of eating experience with no plans to stop.

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