The May meeting of the VFW Post 3838 Ladies Auxiliary was presided over by Sheila Allen, president. There were 21 members with 17 officers present. Pro tem officers were Jewell Lincecum, conductress, and Carolyn Burton, guard.
New members presented and accepted were Barbara Rothweiler, Karen Yoder and Karla Burgfeld. They were all recommended by Georgia Burgfeld.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Communications were received from the National General Order 5 and Department General Order 9. Also, a letter was read from the district president congratulating new officers and asking for support for the coming year.
Committee reports were given.
Many compliments were received on the good steaks that were served on steak night.
A list of 22 delegates for department convention has been sent in, and delegates' credentials are available.
The 7 p.m. exercise class has been canceled until fall.
Officers were installed for 2007-2008 by Debbie Griffin, installing officer. They are Allen, president; Judy Biester, senior vice president; Blankenship, junior vice president; Griffin, treasurer; Carol Moore, chaplain; Retha Popp, conductress; Carol Burton, guard; Goodheart, three-year trustee; Sharon Polito, secretary; Glenneta Vogelsang, patriotic instructor; Phyllis Dodds, historian; Phyllis Jackson, color bearer 1; Dodds, color bearer 2; Georgia Burgfeld, color bearer 3; Marilyn Mayfield, color bearer 4; Judy Thrower, flag bearer; and Dorothy King, banner bearer.
Allen was presented her past auxiliary president's pin, and Vogelsang was presented a past auxiliary treasurer's pin.
Blankenship made a motion to provide a bicycle to the library as a prize for the summer reading program. The motion was seconded by Biester and carried.
The next meeting is at 7 p.m. Thursday. Refreshments will be a covered dish.
The auxiliary will provide meat.
-- From staff report
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