FROM GOV. KEHOE: The Missouri State Emergency Operations Center remains activated as state team members continue to respond to the devastating severe storms that caused significant damage to homes and buildings, led to widespread power outages, and caused multiple fatalities across the state.
At this time, the Missouri State Highway Patrol has confirmed 10 fatalities. The state is working with local response agencies to gather additional information about serious injuries and will share more information as it becomes available.
“Friday and through the night, Missouri first responders, volunteers and our faith-based partners worked tirelessly in response to a series of devastating tornadoes and severe storms, and before that, dangerous and damaging fires,” said Governor Mike Kehoe. “Our state team members and responders are working to support communities, have begun to assess the damage with local partners, and will be gathering more information in the coming days. I appreciate the heroic work of all those who are assisting their fellow Missourians. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families grieving loved ones, and we stand with all those impacted by these devastating storms."
Governor Kehoe declared a State of Emergency Friday, activating the State Emergency Operations Plan to support response and recovery efforts. The State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and Missouri State Highway Patrol continue to coordinate with local officials to assess damage and provide assistance.
Initial reports indicate there were up to 19 tornadoes of varying strengths that impacted 25 counties in the state.
Residents are urged to avoid impacted areas and allow first responders to assist those in need. Neighbors are encouraged to check on the elderly and those who may need additional assistance. Residents who experienced damage should report it to their local emergency management agency.
Governor Kehoe will visit impacted communities beginning today, with stops in Poplar Bluff, Piedmont, and Arnold. Additional details will provided as further information develops.
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