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NewsMarch 14, 2025

The Jackson Board of Aldermen will meet on March 17 at City Hall to discuss various agenda items, including proclamations for Child Abuse Prevention Month and Arbor Day, financial approvals, and multiple ordinance proposals.

City of Jackson mayor and Board of Aldermen

Regular meeting

6 p.m. Monday, March 17

City Hall, 101 Court St.

Adoption of agenda

• Motion adopting the Regular Meeting Agenda.


• Mayor Dwain Hahs presents a proclamation in recognition of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month to Alix Gasser, development director of Southeast Missouri Network Against Sexual Violence (SEMO-NASV).

• Mayor Hahs presents a proclamation of April 26, 2025, as Arbor Day to Jason Lipe, Parks and Recreation director.

Approval of minutes

• Motion approving the minutes of the regular meeting of March 3.

Financial affairs

• Motion approving the city collector’s report.

• Motion approving the city clerk’s and treasurer’s reports.

Action items

Power, Light, and Water Committee

• Motion approving Change Order No. 3 to Penzel Construction Co. Inc. of Jackson in the amount of $50,289.96, relative to the Building Addition and Renovation of Jackson Fire Station No. 1 Project.

• Motion authorizing payments in the amount of $5,466.80 to the Cape Girardeau County treasurer, as custodian of the Cape Girardeau County School Fund, and $407.02 to the State of Missouri, relative to Notice of Violation No. SE240018.

• Bill proposing an ordinance authorizing an abatement order on consent with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, relative to Notice of Violation No. SE240018.

• Motion accepting the bid of Robert Boitnott Painting of Cape Girardeau in the amount of $63,000, relative to the Power Plant Equipment Painting Project.

• Bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Robert Boitnott Painting, relative to the Power Plant Equipment Painting Project.

• Bill proposing an ordinance vacating a portion of a utility and roadway easement at 2640 E. Jackson Blvd. in Turner Subdivision, as requested by David Voshage.

• Bill proposing an ordinance accepting the dedication of water line easement deeds from David and Karen Voshage, and MEC MO Holdings LLC, Series 4, formerly known as Ahmad MO Holdings LLC, Series 4, relative to the Water System Facility Plan Implementation Project — Phase 2, Project 2E.

•. Bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with Valued Pharmacy Services of the Midwest LLC of Boston, relative to providing pharmacy benefit management coalition services.

Street, Sewer, and Cemetery Committee

• Motion renewing a contractual agreement with Metro-Ag Injection Systems Inc. of Breese, Illinois, maintaining the amount of 7.2 cents per gallon for spring and fall disposal and increasing the amount to 7.6 cents per gallon for summer disposal, for the term ending April 4, 2026, relative to the Biosolids Disposal Program.

• Motion authorizing the mayor to sign a vehicle title to transfer ownership of a 1989 Chevrolet pickup truck to Cape Auto Sales LLC of Cape Girardeau.

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• Motion setting a public hearing for 6 p.m. Monday, April 7, to consider a request for the rezoning of a 6.36-acre lot on Ridge Road, from R-2 (single-family residential) District to R-4 (general residential) District, as submitted by Robert W. and Belinda Phillips.

• Motion setting a public hearing for 6 p.m. Monday, April 7, to consider a request for a special-use permit to allow multiple buildings on a 6.36-acre lot on Ridge Road, in an R-4 (general residential) District, as submitted by Robert W. and Belinda Phillips and Wren Capital Investments.

• Motion accepting the proposal of BS&A Software of Bath, Michigan, relative to providing services under the Financial & Utility Billing Migration.

• Bill proposing an ordinance authorizing a contractual agreement with BS&A Software, relative to the Financial & Utility Billing Migration.

• Bill proposing an ordinance approving the voluntary annexation with zoning of 1.08 acres of property on Fraser Ridge in Terrace Above The Greens Subdivision, as submitted by MHRR LLC.

• Bill proposing an ordinance authorizing the mayor to execute deeds of dedication for the Cane Creek Road and Trussworks Boulevard rights of way in the Jackson North Industrial Park Subdivision, to the City of Jackson.

• Bill proposing an ordinance accepting deeds of dedication for the Cane Creek Road and Trussworks Boulevard rights of way in the Jackson North Industrial Park Subdivision, from the City of Jackson.

Information items

• Report by mayor

• Reports by board members

• Report by city attorney

• Report by city administrator

• Discussion of future agenda items

Study session discussion items

1) Special event permit application for Uptown Jackson Revitalization Orgznization’s Jackson in Bloom

2) Wednesday, March 12, Planning & Zoning Commission report

3) March 10 Park Board report

4) Thursday, March 13, Historic Preservation Commission report

5) Proposed school zone speed limits on Oak Street and North Lacey Street

6) Request for abandonment of portions of South Oklahoma Street and West Madison Street by Jackson School District

7) Geographic Information System (GIS) Program — request for proposals

8) Retail Development Services — request for proposals

9) Additions to Chapter 3 (Administration) — establish the Economic Development Board

10) Amendments to Chapter 3 (Administration) — appointment to standing committees

11) Amendments to Chapter 43 (Nuisance) — hearing and appeals

12) Amendments to Chapter 49 (Peddlers and Solicitors) — garage and yard sales

13) Discussion of previously tabled items (unspecified)

14) Additional items (unspecified)


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