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NewsJuly 10, 1996

Currently much of our attention is focused on the upcoming bond issue. The district's urgent need to improve and add facilities has been well documented. We are confident that the proposed solutions are practical and financially conservative. The Support Jackson R-2 Education Committee held its organizational meeting Monday evening. ...

Currently much of our attention is focused on the upcoming bond issue. The district's urgent need to improve and add facilities has been well documented. We are confident that the proposed solutions are practical and financially conservative.

The Support Jackson R-2 Education Committee held its organizational meeting Monday evening. Mrs. Kathy Casteel was elected president; Mr. John M. Thompson was chosen vice chairman; and Mr. Kent Puchbauer was elected treasurer. Committee members will be working to distribute materials and remind voters to go to the polls on Aug. 6. If you would like to assist in this effort or need additional information, please contact the Board of Education office or attend a public forum scheduled in the middle school Cafeteria for Thursday, July 18, at 7:30 p.m. This meeting will consist of a brief presentation and a question and answer session. All are invited.

The following represent questions we have heard to date:

*What is a bond issue?

A bond issue is actually a mortgage agreement authorized by residents of the district. The school district borrows money from investors who purchase bonds, a written promise to pay. The district repays the bonds with interest over a period of time. Bonds may be issued from a school district in order to raise revenues for the following purposes: purchases of school house sites, construction of buildings, furnishing building and in some cases, purchasing school buses and other transportation equipment.

*What projects will the $7.8 million bond issue fund?

The Jackson R-2 School District is presenting a bond issue Aug. 6 for the purpose of constructing additional classrooms and office space needed because of the significant increase in enrollment. All projects to be funded with the bond issue are as follows:

A new science and math building and offices at the high school campus ($3,460,468).

An addition at North Elementary ($1,176,363).

A new elementary school south of Jackson ($3,480,317).

Land acquisition, equipment and furnishings as needed ($41,000).

*Why is the bond issue needed?

The bond issue is needed because the rapid population growth is overburdening existing school buildings and district facilities. District enrollment has grown at an average of 3.3 percent over the past six years. Enrollment grew 5.5 percent from 1994-95 to 1995-96. In the coming years,district officials predict that the student population will grow 150 to 200 students each year. There are many locations within the district's 550 square miles where new subdivisions are cropping up. One development in the beginning stages consists of over 170 lots. Also, a survey of mobile home parks revealed plans for expanded lots from the present 645 units to 1,115 units over the next four years.

In addition to the enrollment factor, education quality is adversely affected when schools do not have appropriate libraries, special education, art and music rooms and computer labs. When classrooms are not available, either the above mentioned programs exist in less than adequate facilities or they are not offered.

Also, the ratio of students to teachers cannot be reduced unless space is available. At the high school level, the importance of high performance by students in the areas of science and math is well documented in the media. If our students are to compete effectively in the 21st Century, our outstanding faculty need the facilities, equipment and technology to master needed skills. Currently, we only have one reasonably equipped laboratory for seven science teachers.

*How did the board prioritize these projects?

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In the summer of 1995, the Board invited a group of patrons to form the Facilities Review Committee and charged them with the following duties:

Inspect and evaluate all existing facilities regarding their adequacy in both quantity and quality and formulate recommendations for improvements.

Examine demographic data, trends and relative state and federal education requirements impacting facilities.

Prioritize recommendations.

Recommend funding strategies for improvements.

Eighteen individuals representing a broad cross section of the district met for over six months to develop a comprehensive report for board consideration. The three major components of this bond issue are the result of that study.

*What will be included in the proposed new math and science building?

The building would be constructed south of the old high school building facing Missouri Street. The proposed location would require the closing of Madison Street between Missouri and Russell Streets. Included in the building plan are eight full-size science classroom/laboratories, seven math classrooms, a teacher preparation room, high school offices and conference rooms. The 38,592 square foot, two-story building will be connected by hallway to the original high school building at both floor and will be totally handicap accessible.

*What is included in the North Elementary addition?

The 14,212 square foot addition includes six regular elementary classrooms, two kindergarten rooms, a computer classroom, a music/art combination room, a library, additional restrooms and parking. The building currently houses 133 students in grades one through five. The addition would allow the school to house 300 students in kindergarten through grade five.

*What is included in the proposed new elementary school south of Jackson?

The proposed new 44,500 square foot elementary school south of Jackson at the junction of Highway 25 and Boehme Lane would include three classrooms for each grade level from kindergarten through grade five and would include similar support areas as Orchard Drive and West Lane. It would be designed for a capacity of 450 students and could be expanded at a future date if needed.

*If the bond issue is approved, are there plans for program expansion?

The additional classrooms would allow the district to initiate an all-day kindergarten program. Currently, over two-thirds of the state's districts provide this advantage for students. It is the staff's belief that instruction can be more thorough and at a more relaxed pace in an all-day program for this important age group.

*How much will the bond issue increase property taxes?

It is estimated that the levy required to make the payments on the bonds will be increased 20 cents (or less) per $100 of assessed valuation. A home appraised at $70,000 would have an increase of $26.20 per year.

Howard Jones is superintendent of the Jackson R-2 School District.

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