OpinionAugust 30, 2024
Mark Renaud's letter to the editor highlights the accomplishments of the Trump administration and calls for a comparable list of Kamala Harris's achievements to encourage unbiased vetting based on facts.

The top presidential candidates have a similar length of time working in the top positions of our nation. Let's start with a few verifiable accomplishments of the 2016 - 2020 Trump administration:

Highest median household income; annual inflation rate of 1.9%; cut eight regulations and reduced taxes; better trade agreements; net gain of 7 million new jobs; created opportunity zones, helping lower-income neighborhoods; lowest unemployment rate in 50 years; lowest unemployment in history for minorities; lowest poverty rate in history; VA Choice for faster medical care; first president in 40 years to not start a war; Middle East peace deals; defeated ISIS; net drawdown of overseas troops; massive upgrade of military equipment; built/renovated more than 500 miles of border wall; remain in Mexico policy; deported foreign gang members; our country became a net exporter of energy; three Supreme Court Justices that brought constitutionally based decisions back; military peace through strength, instead of Bidens Afghanistan fiasco; increased the sale of Americans flags!

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Kamala Harris has a similar length of service in Washington D.C., 2020 - 2024, as vice president, plus more years of political experience. Instead of ad hominem fallacies against Trump, maybe one of your readers could do a comparable list of Kamala Harris’s verifiable accomplishments. With these lists, we can all do unbiased vetting for ourselves, based on verifiable facts instead of emotional vitriol.

MARK RENAUD, Perryville, Missouri

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