All good things must come to an end, they say.
We never endorsed that position, though we understand why it’s a thing.
Unfortunately, it’s true in the case of VintageNOW’s annual fashion show in Cape Girardeau.
Deb Maevers, founder and executive director of VintageNOW Productions, recently announced the end of the popoular extravaganza, which over the years has raised more than $1 million for Safe House of Southeast Missouri.
The show — full of wild costumes, dazzing performances and an energy that can only come from a group of people coming together for a good cause — was a must-see spectacle. Over the years, some of our favorite pictures came from the show.
We’ll miss it.
But, time moves on.
Maevers said VintageNOW Productions isn’t going away but will be changing focus, doing smaller community events with themed attire, fashion styling for parties and live mannequin events while also supplying models, actors, dancers, wardrobe and props for commercial media and other events. Keep up with what they’re doing at or on Facebook and Instagram.
We wish them well in their endeavors and speak on behalf of many when we say thank you for all the hard work with the yearly fashion shows. High-energy, intriguing entertainment and support for those who need it — a fantastic combination.
One more thing: Supporting Safe House doesn’t require buying a ticket to a fashion show. Visit their website to help out.
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